We are repeating the very popular Beatles Sunday at the 10:00 service on June 14, 2015. Come to church and enjoy the wonderful music of the best rock group ever. Anthems and congregational hymns will be selected from the repertoire of songs by John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Hymns will include “Here Comes The Sun,” “The Long and Winding Road,” and “Let it Be.”
Later that day at 4:00, St. John’s will offer a coffeehouse performance that celebrates the best of Beatles music. Free-will donation and snacks for sale – proceeds to benefit St. John’s music program.
Our own “Fab Four” are Rosemary Minkler (piano and vocal), Steve Minkler (bass), Grant Beale (guitar), and Matt Spencer (drums).
Estamos repitiendo “Beatles Sunday” (“Domingo con Los Beatles) en el servicio a las 10:00 en el 14 de junio 2015. Ven a la iglesia y disfrutar de la maravillosa música del grupo de música “Los Beatles.”
Himnos y cantos congregacionales será seleccionado en el repertorio de canciones de John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Himnos incluirá “Here Comes The Sun,” “The Long and Winding Road,” and “Let it Be.”
Ese mismo día en 4:00, St. John’s ofrecerá una “coffeehouse” (café con música) que celebra lo mejor de la música de los Beatles. Donación de libre albedrío y aperitivos para la venta beneficiar el programa de la música de San Juan.
Nuestro “Fab Four” son Rosemary Minkler (piano y cantante), Steve Minkler (bajo), Grant Beale (guitarra), and Matt Spencer (batería).