Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 7)
Rev. Amy Welin:
David defeats the giant Goliath with a slingshot, because God favors him.
Jesus quiets the storm with a few words, and then he chides his disciples for lacking faith.
These are a wonderful stories for children, because they are dramatic and can be acted out in detail. Can’t you see Jesus standing up in the back of the boat and roaring to the wind: Be still! These are great stories for adults also, because they teach us that life is turbulent even with God by our side, and we can overcome adversity by faithful action.
The events in Charleston, South Carolina, this week have forced us to confront the giant evil of racism. Nine church members were murdered during a Bible study at Mother Emanuel AME Church. Their killer reportedly considered not fulfilling hid mission, because they were so kind to him. But he pulled the trigger, driven by his personal demons.
This is the most recent racially-driven tragedy calling Americans to go to a new place.
We have failed to find the post-racial society we thought we had found. We have instead come to dwell in a place of barely restrained violence and danger and it is often polarized by racial identity. I must acknowledge that it is difficult for me, as a White woman, to fully comprehend the anxiety of my Black friends. I live in a different experience. Yet I do understand that if one cannot find sanctuary even in church, there is no safe place on earth.
We need to move on to the place where all human beings are valued and respected as they are, in the context of our natural and God-given diversity.
The good news is that we are talking about it, out in front of God and everyone, as they say in the South. The good news is that the families of the martyrs are able to speak words of forgiveness.
While Waterbury is not South Carolina, we have our share of issues derived from racial inequality. And we can do better. I am certain that people who are friends of Jesus can lead the way. We can teach the world things that the world really needs to know. We can calm this storm with our faithful words and actions.
We can teach the world about how we worship the God of love.
We can teach the world about loving our neighbor — no exceptions.
We can teach the world that the phrase Black Lives Matter is a statement of spiritual and theological importance — until the day comes that we don’t need to say these words any more.
We can teach the world that it is insane to believe we need to identify our enemies in order to live in safety. Building community, not hatred, is what makes us safe.
We can teach the world that there are people making lots of money making people afraid … and that we will not let them make us afraid.
We can teach the world that God did not give us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.
We can teach the world about standing up and speaking our minds and our hearts, speaking our truth even when our voices shake. We can teach them to stand up for their truth.
We can teach the world that they may cry without shame when they are sad or afraid, because we care and will listen and stand with them.
We can teach the world that it can be hard and even frightening when people are really different from us … and even though it never stops being challenging, it’s still the most wonderful thing ever.
We can teach the world about God’s dream for a world in which things like this never happen … and how we can help to build that world..
We can teach the world that together we absolutely can make a difference in the world, loving one person at a time.
We can teach the world that Love wins — absolutely and without fail.
We can teach the world about Jesus Christ, the light who shines in the darkness, and no matter how deep the darkness gets, the darkness never has and never will overcome it.
We can teach the world about all these things and then show them by the way we live — lovingly, boldly, fearlessly, joyfully. Always.
This morning at 11, some of our members are going to drive across town to Mount Olive AME Zion Church on Pearl Street, to stand and pray in solidarity and support with our spiritual cousins during their Sunday worship. I commend and bless this faithful action.
Let us pray. O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BCP, 815)
Resources: A Litany written by the Very Rev. Michael Kinman, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral in St Louis.