December 28, 2014
Sunday After Christmas
Rev. Amy Welin:
Imagine the following sermon sung to the tune of My Favorite Things, from the musical The Sound of Music.
Poinsettias decorate the sanctuary.
Thinking the snow won’t start ‘til January.
Gold bows and white candles and choirs that sing
These are a few of my favorite things.
Families visit from faraway places.
We seem to need a few more parking spaces.
Turning the lights down to sing Silent Night .
These are the things that make Christmas feel right.
Crèche processions, faith professions,
Priests who sing off key.
My favorite things make each Christmas so sweet –
Twelve days full of thrills for me.
Assembling the crèche with the shepherds and sheepses.
Polishing silver and brass altarpieces.
Organists who know how to make the chimes ring
These are a few of my favorite things.
Vestments that shimmer and candlelight gleaming,
Sitting in worship while sugarplum-dreaming.
Counters who say the collection increased,
The peaceful Sunday that follows the feast.
Epiphany pageants, children’s sermons,
Acolytes filled with glee.
These favorite things make each Christmas so sweet –
Twelve days full of thrills for me.
With every Christmas the tidings are gladsome.
We have a baby at Christmas to welcome.
We are God’s children, new heirs of the King:
We are a few of God’s favorite things!
Salvation is something fulfilled in a stable.
God born in flesh beckons us to his table
Presence of Christ we can taste and can see
We have a foretaste of eternity.
Bread of heaven, cupped salvation
Gift of truth and grace
Now errors and sins are forgiven, erased,
In heaven we’ll find our place!