Join us on Saturday, April 14, at 3:00pm at St. John’s Church for a special recital presented by soprano Samantha Feliciano with accompanist Jeremey Lombard. The program will feature the works of Duke, Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, and Strauss. Tickets are by free-will donation ($10 is suggested) and may be purchased online, after the 9:30 service on Sunday, or at the door.
Samantha is St. John’s Choir Director and Jazz Ensemble vocalist. She is currently completing her degree in Music Education with a concentration in voice at Western Connecticut State University. She was recently accepted to a summer study abroad program through the University of Miami Frost School of Music, which is hosting a trip to Salzburg, Austria to study classical voice and German with world-renowned artists and teachers. This provides students with opportunities to receive 7 graduate credits in voice and language, sing in master classes, attend concerts, and learn alongside so many singers touring Austria.
Net proceeds from the recital will help underwrite the cost of Samantha’s participation in this amazing educational experience. Click or tap here to learn more about Samantha’s trip and how she plans to use this to further her professional career.