You are my beloved; With you I am well pleased

Sermon for January 11, 2015 (First Sunday after the Epiphany)
Rev. Amy Welin:

What would it do in our lives if we knew - really knew, all the way down in our bones - that we are beloved by God? Beloved - cherished - as we are - with our weaknesses, faults, and any of the good bits we would like to boast about. Personally, I think it would be a foundationally healing and transformational awareness, even better than being born into a loving family, even better than winning awards, even better than hitting the lottery. Read More Read more • Leer más → “You are my beloved; With you I am well pleased”

My Favorite Things

Sermon for December 28, 2014 (First Sunday After Christmas)
Rev. Amy Welin:

Imagine the following sermon sung to the tune of My Favorite Things, from the musical The Sound of Music.
Poinsettias decorate the sanctuary. Thinking the snow won’t start ‘til January. Gold bows and white candles and choirs that sing These are a few of my favorite things. Read More Read more • Leer más → “My Favorite Things”

Are you ready to sing “Joy to the World”?

Sermon for December 25, 2014 (Christmas Day)
Rev. Amy Welin:
Which nativity character are you? Are you ready to sing "Joy to the World"? My friend Catherine and I were discussing (on Facebook!) the generally cheerful chaos and occasional insanity of the Christmas season: the challenges of working and preparing for the holiday, the delights and stresses of family and children, adventures in baking, and so on. Catherine says that for her, the joy and sparkle and wonder of Christmas is what keeps her going. She often uses #Blessed on her facebook page. Are joy and sparkle and wonder a part of your Christmas? Would you be inclined to use #Blessed to identify your feelings about this season? Read More Read more • Leer más → “Are you ready to sing “Joy to the World”?”

¿Quién actuará María?

La Rev. Amy Welin (4 Adviento): ¿Quién actuará María? En algunas parroquias, esta pregunta genera una gran cantidad de competencia. Las niñas y sus madres rivalizan por el honor de ser pedido a jugar a la Virgen María en el desfile anual de Navidad. Todo el mundo quiere ser María porque se considera un honor representar a la Madre de Dios. Pero en la Escritura, parece que incluso Miriam de Nazaret (que es probablemente su verdadero nombre - se cambia en el griego de los Evangelios) no está tan seguro de que ella quiere ser María. Lea más Read more • Leer más → “¿Quién actuará María?”

Who gets to be Mary?

Sermon for December 21, 2014 (Fourth Sunday in Advent)
Rev. Amy Welin (4 Advent):
Who gets to be Mary? In some parishes, that question generates a great deal of competition. Little girls and their mothers posture for the honor of being asked to play the Virgin Mary in the annual Christmas pageant. Everyone wants to be Mary because it is considered an honor to portray the Mother of God. But in the scripture, it seems that even Miriam of Nazareth (that is probably her real name - it is changed in the Greek of the gospels) is not so sure that she wants to be Mary. Read More Read more • Leer más → “Who gets to be Mary?”

Tercer domingo de Adviento

La Rev. Amy Welin (3 Adviento): Hoy es el tercer domingo de Adviento. En la antigua iglesia, hoy en día se llama Domingo de Gaudete - (anglicanos lo llaman Domingo de regocijo porque no utilizamos un montón de latín). Somos más de la mitad del tiempo de Adviento, cuando recordamos que Dios entró en el mundo (la palabra Adviento significa "entrar en"). Este domingo se distingue por regocijo especial, porque sabemos que el Señor está cerca. Y así, encendemos velas rosas de colores en coronas de Adviento, y algunos sacerdotes llevan vestiduras de color de rosa, como signo visible de una realidad invisible. Lea más Read more • Leer más → “Tercer domingo de Adviento”

Sermon: Third Sunday in Advent

Sermon for December 14, 2014 (Third Sunday in Advent)
Rev. Amy Welin:
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances . . . Today is the third Sunday in Advent. In the early church, today was called Gaudete Sunday – (Anglicans call it Rejoicing Sunday because we don’t use a lot of Latin). We are more than half way through the season of Advent, when we remember that God came into the world (advent means to “come into”). This Sunday is set apart for special rejoicing, because we know that the Lord is near. And so we light rose colored candles on Advent wreaths, and some priests put on rose colored vestments, as a visible sign of an invisible reality. Read More Read more • Leer más → “Sermon: Third Sunday in Advent”