What a difference a year makes

Sermon for November 20, 2016 (Last Sunday after Pentecost - Christ the King)
Mr. Jay Anthony

Good morning my St. John’s family. This is the time of year when either I or the clergy or some other lucky duck gets to come up here and with golden words attempt to get you to open your hearts and your wallets to pledge even more money to St. John’s for the next year. More money to keep us warm in the winter, well lit, plowed out, free flowing water, insured, clergy to keep us spiritually fulfilled, staff to give us clean spaces and office staff to keep us administratively sound! More of your hard earned cash to give us music and voices and someone to lead it all. This is the time when we get up before you to beg and wheedle. Read More Read more • Leer más → “What a difference a year makes”

La palabra de Dios es diferente a las sagradas escrituras

En el Sermón del Monte, Jesús hace diferencia entre lo que dice LA TORÁ Y LO QUE DEMANDA DIOS. Por otra parte el escritor a los Hebreos dice: “Muchas veces y de muchos modos habló Dios en el pasado a nuestros Padres por medio de los Profetas;” (Hebreos 1:1-2). Asi que, tanto la Palabra de Dios, como La Torá, los Profetas los Salmos, y la Biblia son algo distinto. La Biblia Incluye todas las diferentes secciones. Ella contiene la Palabra de Dios. Si usted desea enviar un comentario escriba a: stjohns@stjohnsonthegreen.org (Meditacion de Hoy Numero 1) y lo agregaremos a los comentarios recibidos. Read more • Leer más → “La palabra de Dios es diferente a las sagradas escrituras”

If you had faith the size of a mustard seed

Sermon for October 2, 2016 (20th Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 22)
Dr. Steven Minkler
To listen to this sermon, click here to begin playing the audio file. Good morning! Before I begin – I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Isn’t Steve usually over there, at the piano? What is he doing at the pulpit, at this point in the service?” I admit, it’s a little strange to me, too. I’d like to thank Fr. Armando, Fr. Mike, and our Senior Warden, Jay Anthony, for asking me to share my reflections on the lessons today, as part of the service. Read More Read more • Leer más → “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed”