Open or Close Doors?

by Mike Patrick, Waterbury Republican-American (7/10/16)
Fewer people in the pews and fewer dollars in the collection plates are leading to big changes for two historic city churches, as one seeks to merge with another congregation and the other will likely shut its doors....

On a recent Sunday, the ushers at St. John’s Episcopal Church on the Green did something that likely never been done in the church’s almost 300-year history. They threw open the doors so passers-by could hear the joyful gospel music inside.

Worshippers from Community Tabernacle Outreach Center, a Pentecostal church on Hewlett Street, had come to St. John’s for a combined service, and brought with them an energy that both contracted and complemented the more subdued Episcopal rites.

Click here to read the full story, reprinted with permission. Copyright (c) 2016 Republican-American. Read more • Leer más → “Open or Close Doors?”

Music Ministry of Rosemary Minkler

The Episcopal Church in Connecticut recently featured St. John's own Rosemary Minkler in a recent online newsletter and blog. The story includes a video filmed April 24, 2016 that features Rosemary, the jazz band, and members of St. John's. As reported by Karin Hamilton: "Rosemary Minkler is a student at Western Connecticut State University, studying music. She is also a lifelong parishioner of St. John's, Waterbury. When the church organist left, Rosemary (and her dad, Steve Minkler) got to talking about their love for the congregation and their gifts as musicians and out of it came the idea for a monthly jazz Eucharist. Rosemary is on piano; filling out the quintet are four of her university colleagues. They play at coffeehouse concerts at the church, as well. It is indeed a music ministry. Listen to her story, and the band, in this video." Read more • Leer más → “Music Ministry of Rosemary Minkler”

St. John’s Welcomes Community Tabernacle Outreach Center

Nearly 100 brothers and sisters from Community Tabernacle Outreach Center, led by Pastor W. James Johnson, joined St. John's on June 26 for a lively Sunday service and festive brunch. Our sacred space was filled with the Holy Spirit, wonderful fellowship, and jazz and gospel music provided by the St. John's Jazz Ensemble and the Choir of the Community Tabernacle Outreach Center. The church itself was practically full, as the combination of worshippers doubled the normal Sunday attendance at St. John's. With the doors open on a beautiful summer day, the joyful music carried outside to the Green and caused passers-by to look inside the church to see what was happening!
The two congregations are exploring ways to possibly share St. John’s historic building for worship and join ministry. Senior Warden Jay Anthony said, "We're in the dating stage right now." The first date looked promising, indeed.
View Video Read more • Leer más → “St. John’s Welcomes Community Tabernacle Outreach Center”

Sunday Jazz at the 9:30 Service — September 25

Rosemary Minkler, a member of St. John's since birth, leads an ensemble of jazz musicians at our 9:30 service one Sunday each month.  Joining Rose are friends and classmates from the music program at Western Connecticut State University.  Upcoming Jazz Sundays: July 24, August 21, and September 25. The St. John's Jazz Quintet (L-R): Tim Lewis (saxophone), Keenan Asbridge (trumpet), Rosemary Minkler (piano), Keith McDade (bass), Steve Niemitz (drums): Read more • Leer más → “Sunday Jazz at the 9:30 Service — September 25”