Music Ministry of Rosemary Minkler
The Episcopal Church in Connecticut recently featured St. John's own Rosemary Minkler in a recent online newsletter and blog. The story includes a video filmed April 24, 2016 that features Rosemary, the jazz band, and members of St. John's. As reported by Karin Hamilton: "Rosemary Minkler is a student at Western Connecticut State University, studying music. She is also a lifelong parishioner of St. John's, Waterbury. When the church organist left, Rosemary (and her dad, Steve Minkler) got to talking about their love for the congregation and their gifts as musicians and out of it came the idea for a monthly jazz Eucharist. Rosemary is on piano; filling out the quintet are four of her university colleagues. They play at coffeehouse concerts at the church, as well. It is indeed a music ministry. Listen to her story, and the band, in this video." Read more • Leer más → “Music Ministry of Rosemary Minkler”